Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tell me something good...

As I sit here watching the beautiful sun come up after two dreary days of rain, wonder and gratitude for all that life has to offer me increases. I am truly filled with awe and joy.

It is sometimes challenging to start our day in gratitude when so many challenges are around us. As I read my morning meditation, it is revealed to me that any good fortune I desire begins with me. I should not expect miracles. There is no tooth fairy. My prosperity needs to be a process and it is not magic.

Believe it or not, this is not bad news. It is good news because it gives me the power to direct the process in my own life. In a book I am reading by Eric Butterworth, he insists we get over the idea of expecting a miracle. He goes on to say, “Your fortune is not influenced by caprice; it is determined by the shape of your consciousness.” If we believe good luck is the key to prosperity, then we believe bad luck can obstruct it. What a helpless perspective!

The basic idea is that as we change our consciousness, we change our experience. I believe we are living magnets, meaning that our consciousness is constantly attracting the things, people and circumstances drawing into our lives.

You may reason, “I cannot be responsible for the state of the economy!” Not you alone, but economists observe that business conditions, stock market, etc. tend to reflect the level of people’s confidence. If this is true collectively, then it is true individually. The state of your personal economy is a reflection of your consciousness. I love the quote from Walt Whitman, “I ask not good fortune, I myself am good fortune!”

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